Medical Exam at St. Luke's (April 19 - 21, 2016)
April 19, 2016
Yesterday I told my teachers that I won't be attending class (April 19 and 20) because I'll be managing some important family papers here in Manila. We filed and applied for parole under the FWVP program of the United States wherein we'd be under parole for three years and we'll be able to stay there for the said time so that we could take care of our grandmother (whose husband, my grandfather is a war veteran). We took a bus going to Caloocan and arrived their ar 4 P.M. We rode an LRT and arrived at Hotel Sorriente (which was only one block away from St. Luke's) at 5 P.M. We shopped at Purgold downstairs for some groceries and food to eat during our stay there for the next two days. I then bought Chooks To Go for our dinner and some utensils as well.
April 20, 2016
I woke up at 4 A.M. to get ready for our exam. I took a bath and changed my clothes, made sure I was looking neat and presentable and also prepared breakfast for me and my parents (only brought out the pandesal we bought from yesterday and heated some water from the provided heater). We went to the clinic at 6 A.M. and waited on queue. We were finished by 9 A.M. We had our brunch at a nearby deli and went back to the hotel for some power naps. We decided later on to walk around and see the sights. Particularly the local malls. My parents decided to watch a movie while I stayed at an arcade and just waited for them to finish.
April 21, 2016
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