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Deeds of the Day

1. Subbed our #whatsfortoday post when our EIC said she couldn't do it. I did put this on our exams earlier as well hahaha!
2. Packed my things before going to bed, will be off to Laguna for five days! We'll be attending a seminar. I'll post the details about it later.
3. Cleaned my room! Lol. It's really messy and I figured while I'm packing why not clean my room as well? 
4. Good news! While cleaning my room I also found my room key hahaha! You see, I lost the key to my room a few weeks ago, couldn't find it and I can't lock my room because of it. Thanks to cleaning I was able to find it, it was just right under the sofa in my room. T^T

Anyway, I wish ya'll a pleasant day!


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