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Deeds of the Day (April 30, 2016)

Deeds of the Day (April 30, 2016)

Today's the last day for my blog post! I'll be treating myself today for the good things that I did for this month. I did did good didnt I? What do you think? Hahaha! So as a finale here's what I did:

1. Prepared and planned for the anniversary gift I'd give to my partner.
2. Helped Mom bake some brownies to which I'd eat most of them anyway.
3. I was able to do this for the whole month! Thought sorry I wasnt able to post on some days, I still posted what I did during those dates. Anyway ciao guys!


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Deeds of the Day 1. This morning I cooked our rice haha. Though it was too dry, we bought new rice, at least now we know the water measurement for it. Mom and dad were practicing driving so I was left alone. 2. We're about to give one of our dogs away sadly, can't take care of them all. Fed Joaquin one last time before giving him away. (though the guy who was supposed to take him away never came so yeah, more time with Joaquin!) 3. Stuck to my diet!!! :D