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For the month of April I plan on doing good deeds not because it is a requirement, but by doing so strengthens the relationships I have as well as improves my character. I'm excited for this month and I hope you all could do good deeds also.

Deeds of the Day:

1. Helping Around the House - This is a pretty common thing for me to do when I've no school. I did the dishes today and fed our pet dogs. :D
2. Practiced Driving - I practiced driving today! Hahaha! Dad said only a few more and I'll be good on the road. We practiced at the cargo area near All Hand's Beach. I'm not sure if it's a good deed but if it helps me learn and improve my skills then I guess it is?
3. Decision & Determination - I decided to actively participate in this activity for the good of those around me. After all, helping people feels the best! Haha! :D

How was your day? I'll be posting some images soon as well. Talk to you later then!
