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For the month of April I plan on doing good deeds not because it is a requirement, but by doing so strengthens the relationships I have as well as improves my character. I'm excited for this month and I hope you all could do good deeds also.

Deeds of the Day:

1. Helping Around the House - This is a pretty common thing for me to do when I've no school. I did the dishes today and fed our pet dogs. :D
2. Practiced Driving - I practiced driving today! Hahaha! Dad said only a few more and I'll be good on the road. We practiced at the cargo area near All Hand's Beach. I'm not sure if it's a good deed but if it helps me learn and improve my skills then I guess it is?
3. Decision & Determination - I decided to actively participate in this activity for the good of those around me. After all, helping people feels the best! Haha! :D

How was your day? I'll be posting some images soon as well. Talk to you later then!


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Deeds of the Day 1. This morning I cooked our rice haha. Though it was too dry, we bought new rice, at least now we know the water measurement for it. Mom and dad were practicing driving so I was left alone. 2. We're about to give one of our dogs away sadly, can't take care of them all. Fed Joaquin one last time before giving him away. (though the guy who was supposed to take him away never came so yeah, more time with Joaquin!) 3. Stuck to my diet!!! :D