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The Difference of a GOOD Worker and a BAD Worker

Well a good worker puts concentration and effort in what he does. He has passion and knows of the consequences at stake should he try to do something wrong, thus he will not do it. A good worker follows company rules, observes proper hygiene and is careful on his actions. He is a man of morals and has his etiquette.

While a bad worker is someone who is lazy and thinks only for himself. He does not follow company rules and is rude to his peers. Bad workers tend to get lousy jobs, though some exist in the corporate world as well. We have inconsiderate bosses with impossible standards and rules, we have careless factory workers that pose as a risk of danger to the products they produce, we have rude customer service people that quarrel with their customers. 

The world is a huge place filled with people who've multiple personalities and multiple work ethics. Strive your best to be one of the good ones.

Now, an I.T. Professional is someone who is adept in the fields of Information Technology and Computer Science. He is someone who is well aware of programming algorithms, computer systems servicing, database analysis and system analysis, and multimedia systems as well. But to be a professional he/she must also follow proper work ethics as well. Must not break the cybercrime law and must not use his knowledge to harm and invade another human's privacy.


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