What Maketh An I.T. Professional? Well there are different factors that makes an I.T. "Professional" professional. We have our code of ethics, professional organizations, certification and licensure. We'll be discussing how each affect the worker's ethical behavior and morality. Code of Ethics - The code of ethics serve as guide for an I.T. Professional as for what he/she should do that'll help benefit his status as an I.T. Professional and be well known and well wanted in the corporate world. Professional Organizations - To be a member of such organizations, the I.T. Professional must first pass the said organization's standards. Whether it be physical, moral or intellectual. This gives the I.T. Professional a challenge to test his skills and improve his/her performance to be able to join such organizations, Thus improving his behavior. Certification and Licensure - Certifications and Licensure is the symbol of the I.T. Professional's dili...