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Showing posts from March, 2017
What Maketh An I.T. Professional? Well there are different factors that makes an I.T. "Professional" professional. We have our code of ethics, professional organizations, certification and licensure. We'll be discussing how each affect the worker's ethical behavior and morality. Code of Ethics - The code of ethics serve as guide for an I.T. Professional as for what he/she should do that'll help benefit his status as an I.T. Professional and be well known and well wanted in the corporate world. Professional Organizations - To be a member of such organizations, the I.T. Professional must first pass the said organization's standards. Whether it be physical, moral or intellectual. This gives the I.T. Professional a challenge to test his skills and improve his/her performance to be able to join such organizations, Thus improving his behavior. Certification and Licensure - Certifications and Licensure is the symbol of the I.T. Professional's dili...
Unethical actions in the online world Software Piracy  - The copying or use of a software without proper permission or license from the software's company. This is illegal as it reduces the software company's profit. Spamming - The flooding of useless messages to a user. It can either be spam mail (repetitive advertisements) or messages from an unwanted user seeking to annoy other users. Hacking - Illegally accessing someone else's personal information online and using it for their own wishes. Purposes may vary from the invasion of someone's privacy to using their information for personal gain.
The Difference of a GOOD Worker and a BAD Worker Well a good worker puts concentration and effort in what he does. He has passion  and knows of the consequences at stake should he try to do something wrong, thus he will not do it.   A good worker follows company rules, observes proper hygiene and is careful on his actions.   He is a man of morals and has his etiquette. While a bad worker  is someone who is lazy and thinks only for himself. He does not  follow company rules and is rude to his peers. Bad workers tend to get lousy jobs, though some exist in the corporate world as well. We have inconsiderate bosses with impossible standards and rules, we have careless factory workers that pose as a risk of danger to the products they produce, we have rude customer service people that quarrel with their customers.  The world is a huge place filled with people who've multiple personalities and multiple work ethics. Strive your best to be one of the ...
Workplace Do's & Don'ts Now for example let's say I have a job where I face different customers everyday who've different personalities. I can either be a call center agent, a clerk, a concierge or some guy at customer service. As a person who has to deal with new people everyday I have a duty and responsibilities to uphold. In general I have to be someone who speaks of integrity. Each and every word I shall say must be vital and necessary to the case at hand, and must not speak ill whenever I'm engaging with a customer. The following are common tips of what and what not to do whenever present in a workplace: 1. "Punctuality is important." Avoid being late and if you can't go to work, then  at least inform them a few days before. In case of emergencies, call your supervisor and explain him your situation. 2. "Be considerate to your fellow employees." Example is you're working on a sales company, whenever you see a workmate ...
What're the benefits of ethics? Well it can be beneficial in a way that it molds me to become a better and more functional member of society. As ethics guide me through my daily life, of course it lies weigh to my morality. As such, I become a rational and believable being, following society's laws and acting for the good of all. We have different theories of ethical behavior, one in particular is utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is the act of doing what will benefit the many. In my belief this is what I possess for I prefer to commit to a cause and sacrifice my interests for the sake of making everyone happy and content. Although I find it disappointing that there aren't many people who appreciate this. But all in all, if it's for a greater cause then I'd be willing to make a sacrifice.
Acts to avoid when in the internet: 1. Cyberbullying              " Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. " We all know that bullying has never done any good. Maybe it's true that it feels good to compare yourself with everyone else and downgrade them by pointing out their flaws like you're our Maker's perfect creation, but NO. Bullying will never fruit to something good and will only lead to ruined relationships, depression, anxiety, and sometimes even suicide. And so as the same with cyber bullying, wherein many people hide their faces in fake accounts and bash other people for their flaws.  2. Software Privacy No matter what we do, there will always be people sniffing their noses on our businesses eh? Well my friends, THIS IS WRONG. Please respect other people's privacy as you want them to respect yours. We all have our secrets, and virtually in the technological world...

A Guide To An Ethical Life

What are some common etiquette to follow? Say you'd like to improve yourself, be the ideal citizen and member of society. Or simply, seek to become a person that most will like, well I'll give you a few tips:                    1. Whenever you're having arguments with someone it's best to acknowledge his/her point of view. It is a sign of respect to them and that you are reminding them as well that you are listening to their side of the story.                    2. You must always put others before you, don't cloud yourself with selfish interests but instead try helping others out.                    3. When under pressure or stress, smile it off and don't release your anger on someone else. I understand ...

A Brief Introduction To Ethics

What is Ethics? Ethics is the designation between good and bad, the right and the wrong, the virtuous and immoral, evil and the just. Yet, at the same time this can either be based on society's norms, established by their founders and were developed over time, or be one's own judgment and sense. To be ethical is to be able to perform tasks that are efficient, just, rational and must be fit to society's standards of ethics. And by conclusion, ethics is the division of what society deems right and wrong. The right, being what is beneficial and desirable for society and the wrong, the undesirable and what shall bring its fall The ever so called "Golden Rule"   Don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you. This golden rule speaks of equality and justice. Should you wish to be respected and treated fair, thou must also do so to others. It teaches us on being civil and kind, and also serves as a reminder that we must suppress our inner e...